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My First Ever Blog!

They say that there is a first time for everything, and blogging is most definitely a first for me. I am a total blogging newbie, so I hope you like what you read! Well I don't quite know where to begin, but I guess the start of my ballooning journey would be a good place. I never really set out to be a balloon artist, I just almost fell into it, but I'm glad because I absolutely love it!

Earlier this year a close friend of mine found out that she was expecting again YAY fantastic news!! But she also found out she has breast cancer #fuckcancer, sometimes this world is such a messed up place. She has always been a tough cookie, and there is not a doubt in my mind that she will fight this and kick cancers ass! Unsure of what to do for the best, I put together some goodies in a basket to help her on her journey, things like a journal, thank you notes, boiled sweets for dry mouth, Defiant Beauty Soothing Skin Oil, some essential reading in the beautiful form of 'Cancer is a C**t' a silk head scarf, a hot water bottle etc etc etc AND my very first balloon!!

I was super pleased with how it turned out and she loved it. It was nice to see it put a smile on her face, although I am not sure if it was all down to the balloon or watching me wrestle with the bloody thing as I battled with storm Dorris on her driveway! When I got home I shared the picture to my Facebook page and the likes, comments and private messages began. With some encouragement from my other half I decided to roll with it and give ballooning a go. I can't thank him enough for giving me a much needed push in the right direction.

My page following has grown by over 1000 in the past two months, my house has outgrown the demand for balloons and much to everyone's relief (mine most of all) I have relocated to a custom built summerhouse aka Balloon studio at the bottom of the garden and it is beautiful! It's all been a bit overwhelming actually. The volume of orders, the training courses, my very own studio.... and it's down to you lovely lot making it all possible. So thank you for supporting a small local business and allowing me to do what I love. I hope you all enjoy the Bank Holiday weekend, and thanks for reading! /shell


The Vineyard, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, AL8 7PX





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